Roasted Peanuts – 1kg

Roasted Peanuts – 1kg


Quick description:

Roasted peanuts are high-protein seeds (they contain about 28% protein) and a natural source of useful substances like vitamins E and PP, folic acid, arginine and the coenzyme Q10 (which can be found in very few kinds of food). They provide the organism with a good quantity of fibers and mineral salts, including zinc, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and copper.


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Description :

Roasted Peanuts 750g (Arachis hypogaea) is an annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the family Fabaceae (or Papilionaceae) of Brazilian origins. Its cultivation, with different varieties, occurs in all warm countries. The Spanish people were the first to export this plant from the “New World”. Back home, merchants spread it through Africa and Asia. Peanuts were difficult to cultivate, therefore they didn’t become successful immediately. A significant increase occurred at the beginning of the 21st century, when new cultivation techniques were introduced. The plant has small and yellow flowers with the ovary supported by a pedicel that elongates after fertilization and grows down into the soil, thus forming peanut pods that ripen below ground.

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